2 April 2010


You can catch up with my latest blogs at http://www.fayhartwell.com/blog

Looking forward to hearing from you there!


Gratitude Tip

An Attitude of Gratitude is essential to becoming a vibrational match for the things you want to BE, DO and HAVE in your life.

We are all on a journey of learning how to manifest everything we want with no limits.

Here's some action you can take,

Use a Gratitude Journal. Every night before you go to sleep, write a list of what you are grateful for NOW in your life, and a second list of all that you are receiving, as if you already have it.

Use statements like, “I am truly grateful NOW that I am….” and “Thank you, I am so happy that….”

30 June 2009


Hearts are wonderful, amazing forms, our soul made physical. In order to benefit from its service we remember how it holds the essence of who we are. Every feeling we bury, acknowledge and notice is our guidance. The heart speaks to us, whispering its love through the barrage of voices, noise and thoughts generated by the mind, always guiding us on how to feel love.

Let go of the mind, embrace the heart by listening for the soft whisper. Know that the more you practice listening the louder the guidance becomes. After all, we don’t hear our heartbeat until we place a hand on our heart, or decide to zoom in our powerful hearing to listen to its vibration, yet that beat is always there serving us until our time comes to leave this physical plane.

Use your power to notice the truth, what there is to learn, and make courage and compassion your friends in moving forward with new knowledge and awareness.

3 May 2009

Relating to You and Others

In all relationships, being the real you and relating from that place is where solid foundations are created.

In spiritual teachings, one of the things our relationships do is reflect aspects of ourselves.

Do an inventory of all your relationships and ask your inner guidance, what can you learn about yourself from each relationship and how you relate to each person?

Self honesty and a fantastic relationship with yourself requires maturity and acceptance. Being able to look in the mirror as Louise L Hay, (You can Heal Your Life) has taught us, and say "I totally love and accept you today” can be tough to start with…

In my own experience, learning how to love is a special, wonderful journey that opens you up…it means standing on your own two feet, taking responsibility for your own happiness, health and purpose and being true to YOU first.

From that place of relating to yourself with honesty, truth and love, come the behaviours, attitudes, thoughts and feelings of acceptance for who you are. From this place the reflections, the people, places and ways of relating to every experience become enlightening.

When you accept YOU, you see the perfection in everything and everyone. You know everything from fear based thinking to pure joy passes, and is transitory in nature. Life is always in the process of evolving, creating and re-creating. When you see and know that nothing stays the same you can let go and allow that energy to flow through you, this energy is love personified in you.

May your relationship with you be loving, honest and true…and may you see in all your relationships the reflection of pure love that you are…