15 March 2008


Our paradigms, correct or incorrect, are the sources of our attitudes and behaviours, and ultimately our relationships with others.
Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

14 March 2008


In the "Power of Now", my favourite book at the moment, Eckhart Tolle talks about three myths.

Myth 1 - Humanity has reached the pinnacle of its development.

Myth 2 - We are completely separate from each other, nature, and the Cosmos

Myth 3 - The physical world is all there is.

Just to clarify myths are fictious and unproven in other words are stories we hold as true. We have been told these stories for all our lives so we believe them and sometimes see no reason to challenge them.

Take five minutes and imagine that the three statements written above are totally untrue.

How does this impact on your view of the world and the people in it including yourself?
What beliefs and certainties do you want to change?
What could you imagine doing now that was impossible before?

In agreement with Eckhart Tolle's view I believe humanity has not reached the pinnacle of its development, that we are connected with all life, rather than separate and that consciousness has both physical and nonphysical dimensions of reality.

13 March 2008

Success and Happiness

To be without some of the things you want
is an indispensable part of happiness.

Success is getting what you want;
happiness is wanting what you get.


Feeling Angry?

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else - you are the one who gets burned.

The Buddha