23 September 2008

Red Bubble

Check out this link for articles and poems. I'll be putting some artwork up there soon!


Love is the only way...


Friendly Disguise

I have a friend who plays a huge part in my life. They're always there, through "thick and thin" and "ups and downs", always with the same useful words of wisdom, always pushing me onwards.

Sometimes I don't see it that way though. I don't recognise what they do for me. I'm ungrateful and unaccepting of the gift of their friendship. I sometimes want to change them to be more like me. You see, they always think they know best. Always have lots of advice about the way to do things. For example, with the Raw/Living Food lifestyle I've chosen - they've had plenty to say about that.

I listen to my friend. That's what you do for your friends. It makes them feel good and I feel better if they're happy.

My friend's the complete opposite of me, where I'm fearless they are full of fear. Where I'm optimistic they are pessimistic. Where I'm open to new ideas, they are very fixed in their outlook.

I wish sometimes we weren't so close, as the intimacy of our friendship can sometimes be overwhelming - I worry that I'd miss them though.

Okay I'll come clean - my friend isn't a person. Between my life as it is now and the life I want is my friend, resistance.

I've just read an amazing book called "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield. I read lots of books and can recommend many, but this book is in a league of it's own. Maybe, it's because of the huge impact it's had on me, maybe you'll find it does the same for you. Anyway, you can let me know.

It took me a while to read the signs that I needed to read this book but when I eventually started reading it, I knew straight away it was written by a man who had felt and experienced what I feel and have felt a lot of over the last year a half.

I had resistance before I realised that's what it was. Since I've stepped out of my comfort zone and have continued to do this in lots of different situations, my resistance has been in a spin. Trying to get me to stand still, to stop, to do what I've always done and has used numerous methods to achieve this.

You may be wondering why, if it trys to hold me back in my comfort zone, I would call it my friend. Well, firstly it wants the best for me - it just has a funny way of showing it! It can only know past experiences and therefore bases it's advice on what's happened before. We've all had friends like those haven't we!

From my own experience it was my identification with the voice of resistance that led to feelings of overwhelm and loss of control. To put this simply, I forgot that the voice of my resistance, and it can take different voices, - is not ME and therefore the voice of your resistance is not YOU.

I had forgotten as I suspect you have! So I'm reminding you and myself here and now, that the voice of resistance that is finding excuses and drama around not doing the things that will make you happy, is not YOU, it's your resistance.

What makes me feel enormous relief is that my resistance is my friend as it shows me contrast. Without contrast we would not manifest our dreams. We have to know what we don't want in order to decide and chose what we do want. So, it's not wrong to have a friend who points out the pessimistic view point and things that could go wrong, it's just information about what we don't want. The problem is that most people identify with the voice, believe what it's saying and allow themselves to be talked out of their desires, making themselves very unhappy in the process.

My advice is to make friends with your resistance. As in all relationships, friendships are places we go to learn and grow. Use your relationship with your resistance to grow and develop yourself, challenge, accept, and listen as you would to a friend. But at the end of the day, believe what you believe and act from that place of faith, trust and relief that once we choose what we don't want, the things we do want are available to us very easily.

An example of how this works in my life is that resistance has been building a brick wall between me and my writing projects for sometime. Each day they add a couple more rows of bricks and each day I sigh and get stuck into the other priorities in my life. Sometimes I can scale the wall and sit down on the otherside at my favourite spot and churn out my hearts murmurs. The energy it seems to take to do that varies but it is of no consequence when compared with the elation of the writing and achievement of my goal. The interesting thing is, and Steven refers to this too, is that you would think the wall would start to crumble after climbing it, however it doesn't, it does the opposite and gets stronger. Yet, it will never out match the self-belief and feeling that to write is what I'm being guided to do. The resistance helps me on my journey, teaching me how much I want to write, as well as tools for helping others express themselves in whatever way they desire.

So, go read the book, experiment with the concepts and believe in your desires. Accept that your resistance is showing you contrast, be strong and courageous and stand up for your desires, you're worth it!

12 September 2008

My Son's drinking Green Smoothies

Hurrrah, hurrah! My son, Tom, 18 going on 208 (in terms of being the wisest soul I know - when it comes to other people) had his second green smoothie today.

After most of his life screwing up his nose at anything remotely "green" he's decided I look and feel so good there must be something in this green business! Whatever his reasons, or yours, he's doing it and that's all that matters, just DOING IT.

Whatever it is that you want to do and have been resisting DO something today that will be a baby step towards it. You'll feel relieved and so pleased, and the Universe will send you more positive reinforcement than you are able to imagine at the moment. Cos if you're not doing it for whatever reason then you're in fear.

Fear is an illusion! It doesn't exist, it's a figment borne of your sub-conscious beliefs which have manifested in your conscious mind. In short you've made it all up. There's nothing to be scared of or fear...treat yourself kindly as you would a child and say supportive, loving words and send nurturing feelings and support to yourself so you can make that small, tiny step - make the phone call, do the research, write down what it is you really want - Go On...and imagine I'm there with you, cheering you on...because you know what? I am, in spirit, I'm right by your side doing it with you!

Anyway, back to the smoothie Tom had today.

Green Magic Potion...for those mornings when you want your cells to sing and dance you all the way to work...

2 handfuls of spinach
half a mango
1 banana
2 spoonfuls of papaya flesh ( I just love the look of papaya's when you open them up - all those shiney black seeds - wow)
Add water to the consistency you want, less to eat as a pudding
Add some ice if you want more freshness

Put it all in your magic blending device and press GO!

Tip: when blending with greens, remember to put the runnier, softer fruits and water in first, it puts less pressure on your equipment!

5 September 2008

Green Smoothies

Today, I want to share some amazing knowledge with you. As a powerful manifester I receive much guidance and gifts in the way of realisations, learning's and just knowing. The way I describe it, is a resonating with my soul! A vibration that says, "this is it"! One such realisation has come via a Russian woman called Victoria Boutenko.

Victoria has introduced me to the wonders of "green smoothies". There are many other fantastic people talking about the wonders of the green smoothie, however it's Victoria, in her book "Green for Life" and via her website at www.rawfamily.com that has provided the concrete evidence to negate the years of conditioned flannel I've been handed and digested.

Here is just a brief list of the benefits of green smoothies:

  • unprecedented weightloss to optimum weight
  • wrinkles lessen and disappear
  • the green part of a smoothie is providing a nearly perfect match for our own DNA
  • there is an abundance of protein in greens
  • hair, teeth, nails, skin all benefit amazingly from the good stuff in the greens
  • energy levels soar to new heights
  • muscle tone is developed from drinking green smoothies

For those of you who know me through coaching or my playshops, you'll know I have been determindly searching for a cure for "diabetesing". "Diabetesing" is a term I am more comfortable with than the label, "Type 1 Diabetic" for various reasons that I won't expand on here. However just to say that I believe unconsciously we are the creators of everything we experience, even the diseases we manifest. A hard pill to swallow... and once you stop beating yourself up about it (my unique way of living up to recently), its enlightening and life changing.

I have met resistance and disbelief to my own belief and truth that it's possible to reverse and irradicate "diabetesing" from my body. However I have always believed that I can do it and therefore have searched and been given lots of information, knowledge and finally experienced the realisations necessary to inch closer and closer to it's achievement.

I started with the PH Miracle in June 2007 after experiencing Unleash the Power Within with Tony Robbins, where I said "I'm going to have to give up meat..." That weekend changed my life, took me out of a world I knew and plonked in one I had never believed existed. How grateful am I for the man who rang me while I was walking in the woods with my dog, Ben and sold me two tickets for UPW.

I am now starting a new beginning, a new leg of my search and that is embracing green smoothies and a new way of "eating" into my life. There is plenty of evidence out there from other people who have been "diabetesing" and who have had positive reinforcement and have healed their pancreas's and overcome the disease that is so damaging to mine and other people's wellbeing - physically, mentally, and spiritually.

I want to end by asking you to step outside of what you know and experience green smoothies for yourself. If you do nothing else to promote your wellbeing then do this. Have one drink a day and notice what you notice. Seek out the knowledge you personally need to make it happen, watch some people in action talking and making smoothies, read "Green for Life, listen to an audio of Victoria, whatever it is that speaks and whispers to you - DO IT - because there's a part of you waiting to be opened and accepted. Green smoothies and the power of greens will help support you to do it.

We have to make a conscious effort to step out of the conditioned responses and habits we have accumulated. This can be as hard as you want to make it. I've learnt to take myself by the hand and say, let's go on an adventure, a magical mystery tour, just for a few hours and see what we find. I can say I've never been disappointed, just empowered and incredibly grateful for the people who have come into my life, Tony Robbins, Victoria Boutenko, Dr Young, Richard Bandler, Michael Neill, Paul McKenna - it really is endless. Share what you learn and grow, grow, grow!

Please let me know the results of your own adventure and magical mystery tour. I want to get this moving in my local area and help as many people as possible lose excess weight, feel vitality and energy in their cells again. I want everyone to have the opportunity to live the life we all crave - one of freedom and love.

Spread the word and share your thoughts. If I can help you let me know how?