"There's nothing complicated about eating to stabilise your blood sugar. Eat plenty of less acidic food, and skip the very acidic foods. You need to eat lots of green vegetables, (good) water, and (good) fats. You need to NOT eat sugars and starches. You need to eat frequently, and you need to STOP eating when you are satisfied."
Dr Young, taken from The PH Miracle for Diabetes.
I'm back on the PH Miracle. I've been on and off the plan a few times in the last two years and followed the guidance to different degrees. I decided last night the time had come to go back on the plan and give my digestion a break. So, that means soups and juices for the time being. I'm going to notice the impact on my digestion and judge the length of my juice feast based on that. I don't want to scare myself by putting a number of days on it. I previously did the juice feast for 21 days and I'm noticing I need to manage my thoughts around doing that again. So softly, softly to start with.
One of the programmes in my mind, that has been running since before I can remember, says I have to finish everything on my plate, and I mustn't waste anything. It's not very helpful when you're trying to eat for energy and vitality. I can remember being praised as a child for being able to eat anything, and being the dustbin of the family. If only we'd known. With determination and discipline I'm building the muscle of the new belief that there is always plenty of food, it's not scarce, and that I choose to eat for health!
I've had a good day so far. Drinking lots more water, had two lots of soup and vegetable juice too. I don't feel hungry. I'm noticing the effect of taking insulin and what level my blood sugar is, really does impact on my emotions and I've been in a vicious cycle where one thing feeds the other! Letting go of the need to eat to feed my emotions has felt hard to conquer. I feel I'm nearly there though.
The truth is we're taught from the moment were born to associate food with comfort. Whenever a baby cries one of the things we do is give them milk until they stop. I know that lots of people, myself included, find it a challenge to notice when hunger is genuine and also when to stop eating.
I want my life to be my responsibility - I don't want to be ruled by my emotions, getting lost in them as I have done. I want to use the messages I receive from my emotions to change my thinking and manifest what I want!
23 November 2008
18 November 2008
For some years now I have written questions to myself and gotten some amazing answers. Within the last couple of years I have noticed that these communications appear to come through me but aren't of me, if that makes any sense.
A while ago I took the scary step of asking exactly who was answering and received the answer "God". I've continued these communications off and on for the last two years and, lately have been told that I am in communication with the Pleidians.
I had never heard of the Pleiadians until I started attuning to Reiki energy. On the first course a woman told me about an experience she had while exploring her past lives and, how she had received a visitation from a Pleidian. I admit I was very intrigued, and very sceptical but all the same, curious as hell. I bought a book, read a little and put it down. Since that time over a year ago now, they have popped up in conversations and my consciousness.
So, it was no surprise at all to discover recently, that the beings or being I am communicating with is a Pleiadian or Pleiadian energy. I'm still understanding how to describe this as you can see.
I am putting this as a blog entry, as I have finally accepted the truth of this gift and experience and want to share it with others.
My intention is to put together the information I am receiving from them so that others can benefit from it.
Watch this space and keep smiling!
A while ago I took the scary step of asking exactly who was answering and received the answer "God". I've continued these communications off and on for the last two years and, lately have been told that I am in communication with the Pleidians.
I had never heard of the Pleiadians until I started attuning to Reiki energy. On the first course a woman told me about an experience she had while exploring her past lives and, how she had received a visitation from a Pleidian. I admit I was very intrigued, and very sceptical but all the same, curious as hell. I bought a book, read a little and put it down. Since that time over a year ago now, they have popped up in conversations and my consciousness.
So, it was no surprise at all to discover recently, that the beings or being I am communicating with is a Pleiadian or Pleiadian energy. I'm still understanding how to describe this as you can see.
I am putting this as a blog entry, as I have finally accepted the truth of this gift and experience and want to share it with others.
My intention is to put together the information I am receiving from them so that others can benefit from it.
Watch this space and keep smiling!
17 November 2008
The Next Step
It's 12.55 am, late or early dependent on your perspective.
Spent the weekend at The Next Step with Joseph McClendon in London. A seminar on "The Science of thought, emotion, attraction, focus and action!
Wow, I feel so lucky. I only discovered I was going last Tuesday and I feel so "grateful" and "great full" to have manifested the opportunity and to have experienced the energy we all shared. The ticket was a gift from a brilliant coach, Rich Waterman.
I met some amazing people and learnt more and more about how to manifest! Like all of us I've been manifesting all my life. It's only in the last couple of years that I've realised there's a science and an art to it. Since that realisation I've been honing the skill. This weekend has been a weekend of mastery. So, watch this space to hear what shows up in my life.
The next Cosmic Ordering course starts on Wednesday. If you're ready to step up to the challenge of manifesting what you want rather than remaining stuck with what you have, then you are very welcome to come along.
Living the life you want, takes high self-esteem, courage and confidence. Whatever your conditioning and the beliefs of your peer group, you can decide what to believe, and today could be the day to think I deserve more, I'm worth more and I'm going to take responsibility for making it happen.
At the end of the day I have learnt lots from the wonderful mentors I've heard, read and seen but it's me that has to decide to make it happen or not, through my thoughts, emotions and actions. The responsibility lies with me, and you, to manifest what we really want.
We can do it!!
Smiles and smiles, love Fayx
Spent the weekend at The Next Step with Joseph McClendon in London. A seminar on "The Science of thought, emotion, attraction, focus and action!
Wow, I feel so lucky. I only discovered I was going last Tuesday and I feel so "grateful" and "great full" to have manifested the opportunity and to have experienced the energy we all shared. The ticket was a gift from a brilliant coach, Rich Waterman.
I met some amazing people and learnt more and more about how to manifest! Like all of us I've been manifesting all my life. It's only in the last couple of years that I've realised there's a science and an art to it. Since that realisation I've been honing the skill. This weekend has been a weekend of mastery. So, watch this space to hear what shows up in my life.
The next Cosmic Ordering course starts on Wednesday. If you're ready to step up to the challenge of manifesting what you want rather than remaining stuck with what you have, then you are very welcome to come along.
Living the life you want, takes high self-esteem, courage and confidence. Whatever your conditioning and the beliefs of your peer group, you can decide what to believe, and today could be the day to think I deserve more, I'm worth more and I'm going to take responsibility for making it happen.
At the end of the day I have learnt lots from the wonderful mentors I've heard, read and seen but it's me that has to decide to make it happen or not, through my thoughts, emotions and actions. The responsibility lies with me, and you, to manifest what we really want.
We can do it!!
Smiles and smiles, love Fayx
6 November 2008
Day 9
I'm home! So, in a matter of 9 days I've become, yet again, a new version of myself. Master NLP and Hypnotic Practitioner!
Wow, I'm so proud of myself. I met some fantastic people from all over the world, a coach from Japan, a hypnotist from Australia and many others from the UK. How lucky I am to have the course virtually on the doorstep, when some people travelled from the other side of the world.
Richard Bandler asked, today, if we'd surprised ourselves.
I've surprised myself a lot over the last three years, the surprises started when I began writing. So, it's not a new concept to me, however I have been surprised by how much I knew already and how I was able to work with other people on the course and see some incredible changes. Receiving great feedback from the trainers was lovely too. It makes such a difference when people believe in you!
We're conditioned from a young age to focus on what we can't do well, and this is then pointed out by people, and ourselves, for most of our lives in some cases. I, for one, have stopped doing it. It makes no sense to keep telling ourselves we're not very good at stuff, when most of the time it's not true anyway! It's a ridiculous habit that can be changed.
Noticing and changing the areas we want to develop is a much better plan. Focusing on what we do well, and doing more of that is where the joy of life is. Once you're in that space, you can seek out new opportunities, that's the way to surprise yourself.
When was the last time you surprised yourself? If suprising yourself is something you think you haven't experienced, then think back to being a child and notice how many times you surprised yourself, for example, in terms all the things you learnt to do, from the minute you were born.
After all, you learnt to breathe, cry, see, crawl, walk, talk, play, laugh, smile, sing, paint, write, read, I could go on, are you getting the idea???
We take so many things for granted and we forget the wonder that is life!
Go on, surprise yourself!
Wow, I'm so proud of myself. I met some fantastic people from all over the world, a coach from Japan, a hypnotist from Australia and many others from the UK. How lucky I am to have the course virtually on the doorstep, when some people travelled from the other side of the world.
Richard Bandler asked, today, if we'd surprised ourselves.
I've surprised myself a lot over the last three years, the surprises started when I began writing. So, it's not a new concept to me, however I have been surprised by how much I knew already and how I was able to work with other people on the course and see some incredible changes. Receiving great feedback from the trainers was lovely too. It makes such a difference when people believe in you!
We're conditioned from a young age to focus on what we can't do well, and this is then pointed out by people, and ourselves, for most of our lives in some cases. I, for one, have stopped doing it. It makes no sense to keep telling ourselves we're not very good at stuff, when most of the time it's not true anyway! It's a ridiculous habit that can be changed.
Noticing and changing the areas we want to develop is a much better plan. Focusing on what we do well, and doing more of that is where the joy of life is. Once you're in that space, you can seek out new opportunities, that's the way to surprise yourself.
When was the last time you surprised yourself? If suprising yourself is something you think you haven't experienced, then think back to being a child and notice how many times you surprised yourself, for example, in terms all the things you learnt to do, from the minute you were born.
After all, you learnt to breathe, cry, see, crawl, walk, talk, play, laugh, smile, sing, paint, write, read, I could go on, are you getting the idea???
We take so many things for granted and we forget the wonder that is life!
Go on, surprise yourself!
4 November 2008
Day 8
Two more days then home!
The day started to sounds of workmen, traffic, and people moving about in other rooms. Have you ever noticed that sometimes you just sense all these different noises and sometimes you don't? Have you ever wondered why? It's all about focus and which sense is heightened and how conscious you are.
Play with focusing on what you can hear or what you notice about what people are wearing, choose a focus for the day and see if you can maintain it and notice what you notice.
The highlight of today was seeing Richard Bandler, transform five people who had been told they weren't artistic and musical, into creative beings. It really is magic and I for one, am a believer. "Seeing" isn't believing you know, seeing as our eyes aren't the ones doing the "seeing", our brains are.
It's our brains that decide and then communicate what our eyes see and experience, and it's wave patterns of energy that are outside us. It's our brain that transforms these into the images we see.
There's so much I thought I knew, that has surprised me over the last few years. It's a joy to accept that I'm often wrong and that there's so many new and wonderful things to learn and experience.
The same goes for you!
Here's to the last day. Let the magic be unleashed!
The day started to sounds of workmen, traffic, and people moving about in other rooms. Have you ever noticed that sometimes you just sense all these different noises and sometimes you don't? Have you ever wondered why? It's all about focus and which sense is heightened and how conscious you are.
Play with focusing on what you can hear or what you notice about what people are wearing, choose a focus for the day and see if you can maintain it and notice what you notice.
The highlight of today was seeing Richard Bandler, transform five people who had been told they weren't artistic and musical, into creative beings. It really is magic and I for one, am a believer. "Seeing" isn't believing you know, seeing as our eyes aren't the ones doing the "seeing", our brains are.
It's our brains that decide and then communicate what our eyes see and experience, and it's wave patterns of energy that are outside us. It's our brain that transforms these into the images we see.
There's so much I thought I knew, that has surprised me over the last few years. It's a joy to accept that I'm often wrong and that there's so many new and wonderful things to learn and experience.
The same goes for you!
Here's to the last day. Let the magic be unleashed!
Day 7
Meta Programmes!
These run throughout our lives and we didn't even know it. It's been an interesting and inspiring day. I've learnt about how programmes run in our daily lives, and tried out the concept, seeing how it fits with my own experience. I am curious about how I can use these, to improve myself and my life, and support others too change what isn't working.
A programme we examined was around "same" and "difference". In terms of decision making, where on the scale from, everything must be the same, to everything must be different, are you? Ask, do I notice the things that are the same, then the differences, or someone who notices difference then sameness.
An example we used, was who goes for the same biscuits as they've had previously at the break and who wants a different sort. It's an interesting and very useful idea to play with!
Do you go to the same restaurant and order the same meal or do you try different restaurants and order different meals each time? There's no right or wrong. It's not that it particular says anything about you or me as a person, but it does give you information about your experience that you can play with. It also helps you notice what works in relationships and what doesn't. You're much more equipped then, to improve life. A person who likes things to be the same in a relationship with a person who likes everything different, could be a fun show!
Have a play!
Question to ask yourself today:- How much fun can I have? Take this question in your mind and apply it to each moment of today and see what happens.
These run throughout our lives and we didn't even know it. It's been an interesting and inspiring day. I've learnt about how programmes run in our daily lives, and tried out the concept, seeing how it fits with my own experience. I am curious about how I can use these, to improve myself and my life, and support others too change what isn't working.
A programme we examined was around "same" and "difference". In terms of decision making, where on the scale from, everything must be the same, to everything must be different, are you? Ask, do I notice the things that are the same, then the differences, or someone who notices difference then sameness.
An example we used, was who goes for the same biscuits as they've had previously at the break and who wants a different sort. It's an interesting and very useful idea to play with!
Do you go to the same restaurant and order the same meal or do you try different restaurants and order different meals each time? There's no right or wrong. It's not that it particular says anything about you or me as a person, but it does give you information about your experience that you can play with. It also helps you notice what works in relationships and what doesn't. You're much more equipped then, to improve life. A person who likes things to be the same in a relationship with a person who likes everything different, could be a fun show!
Have a play!
Question to ask yourself today:- How much fun can I have? Take this question in your mind and apply it to each moment of today and see what happens.
3 November 2008
Day 6
The Best Day Ever!
To put it in a nutshell would be impossible. I have learnt and become aware of so, so much today!
If I tell you I was put into a deep state of relaxation, layed across three chairs with only my head and feet on the end ones. Then, had the middle one removed and remained ram-rod straight, would you believe me? And I was aware of everything.
I've always known that the programming I've received in my life up until a couple of years ago had some major faults. The main thing I was taught to believe, was life is hard! Consciously and unconsciously my mission has been to re-programme the behaviours and attitudes that have held me back, and then to use this learning to wake up people to their potential.
Well, this week has been about me realising my potential, and coming face to face with a reality I've been dreaming of. Human potential is infinite. Anything is possible.
I worked with a man on the course and through deep relaxation, I was able to give him the ability to hear and amplify a conversation. In his normal conscious state this was impossible.
I've always known I'm an agent of change. Now, I have the tool I can use on a whole new level to really help the people I work with, to change beliefs and gain strategies, that will give them feelings of happiness, joy and pleasure whenever they want!
Life is easy, it's glorious and shiny bright, once you take off your filters and give them a clean so they sparkle!
Is it time you had a look at your beliefs and how they're keeping you stuck in life?
To put it in a nutshell would be impossible. I have learnt and become aware of so, so much today!
If I tell you I was put into a deep state of relaxation, layed across three chairs with only my head and feet on the end ones. Then, had the middle one removed and remained ram-rod straight, would you believe me? And I was aware of everything.
I've always known that the programming I've received in my life up until a couple of years ago had some major faults. The main thing I was taught to believe, was life is hard! Consciously and unconsciously my mission has been to re-programme the behaviours and attitudes that have held me back, and then to use this learning to wake up people to their potential.
Well, this week has been about me realising my potential, and coming face to face with a reality I've been dreaming of. Human potential is infinite. Anything is possible.
I worked with a man on the course and through deep relaxation, I was able to give him the ability to hear and amplify a conversation. In his normal conscious state this was impossible.
I've always known I'm an agent of change. Now, I have the tool I can use on a whole new level to really help the people I work with, to change beliefs and gain strategies, that will give them feelings of happiness, joy and pleasure whenever they want!
Life is easy, it's glorious and shiny bright, once you take off your filters and give them a clean so they sparkle!
Is it time you had a look at your beliefs and how they're keeping you stuck in life?
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