14 August 2008

There's Always a First Time - Spinning

I went spinning today for the first time, oh what a joy, to do something that you’ve been putting off, something you’ve craved to do but found many excuses to avoid.

Here are just some of the stories my mind generated:- "I’m not fit enough, I don’t like bike’s that much, they’ll be better than me, what if I fall off (a friend told me the first time she tried it she fell off the bike, so I had evidence for that one), what if I run out of energy and have to stop – I’ll look really stupid".

I noticed this morning the mind kicking in with it’s fears, "you’ve got loads to do, you haven’t really got time for spinning have you? you can go another day, get the work done that needs doing". And for a minute I forgot and started listening until I remembered, I’m not my mind and the reasons I wanted to go spinning in the first place were: to improve my fitness, to meet new people, to have fun and exercise, to learn something new, to be healthy and vibrant and have energy to reach my dreams.

Everything we achieve in our lives has to start somewhere. I talk about baby steps, what's the first baby step you can take in reaching your goal? And after that, okay, now take another.

The baby steps I took to make it happen were:- find out when the classes are, ask different people what their experience of spinning is, book the class, the day before - organise clothes, bag, etc and anything that could stop me from going, notice how I’m feeling about going and focus on the why’s and how I’ll feel after I’ve achieved the first class. Holding a vision of myself, smiling, joyful and happy with sweat running down my face, saying “Yes I did it”.

These steps can work with any fear. The key I have found is not making the fear and the mind that’s generating them wrong. If you do that’s where the conflict with yourself heightens, and it becomes very difficult to do what you want to do. It's where many people get stuck. What works for me and other people I’ve worked with is seeing the entity that’s creating your negative thoughts as your friend. Rather than resisting take it by the hand recognising that it wants the best for you and is trying to protect you. Be encouraging and loving with it while explaining that you are always safe and explain the why's?. Immediately you’ll find this kindness will take away the edges of the fear and resistance from your mind. It will open to listening. If you continue this practise you’ll find the mind will give you thoughts that can support you with ideas and inspirations of how best to look after yourself.

In acknowledging the fear and working with it kindly, you’re looking after YOU!

In terms of the spinning it's definitely something I'll do again! The bits I'm celebrating are meeting new people who were full of advice, guidance and encouragment for a newcomer, and the feeling of accomplishment after.

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