Here's a green smoothie to changing as many of the limiting beliefs that hold you back as possible.
I've been creating this morning and in fact was creating till about 2 o'clock this morning before taking myself off to bed. Completed two Ladybugs, a red and gold one and a pink and purple one. Very cute, I just love them. Also started a painting made up of hearts. I really didn't know how it would turn out! Do we ever know how anything will turn out in life? As life tends to do, it's emerged into something with beauty, love and peace in it's colour, depths and feel - like life I suppose, it depends on how you look at it.
I found a wonderful site this morning called Wordle. Have a look at my masterpieces and make some of your own. Its a fantastic idea and works on so many levels. And of course, I love it because it's WORDS! Here's the link to mine:-
title="Wordle: Healing Stones to Happiness">src=""
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd">
Here's to the power of creation, breathe into your life, release your fear and enjoy every moment.
With Love.
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