14 August 2008

A Magic Day

This is a magic day. I started this blog some time ago and have been struggling with my resistance to use it to connect with you all, which I liken to a traffic light going from green to red! One minute I’m ready to go and the next, it’s slow down and stop! No more of that! Today I truly accept who I am, what I believe and herewith decide to share it with whoever is drawn to reading it.

After a life time of “people pleasing” that really is an accomplishment!

I haven’t decided whether this is going to be a daily, weekly or monthly blog. I’m being kind to myself and therefore leaving my self-expression and creativity open to the flow. My inspiration to really connect has come from other blogs I’ve read, where people have been really honest about their experiences. So I say, thank you, to those people, particularly Karen Knowler and her work that continues to inspire me in terms of her approach to life and commitment to being uniquely her.

So there you have it my declaration!

In terms of my life over the last year and a half, there have been lots of changes! So I anticipate the blog will cover topics such as:-

How I lost a stone and a half by alkalising my body?

How I continue to discover how to create balance in my life?

How believing I can cure diabetesing affects my life?

Discovering who I really am?

How I’ve come to know what loving myself is all about?

How I learned that independence doesn’t serve me?

And that’s just for starters! I would love to hear from you on any topic that’s challenging you or successes you want to share.

Remembering to celebrate is something I believe we’ve forgotten how to do. So here’s to celebrating this new beginning and to the creation of something amazing.

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