31 October 2008

Day 5

Blimey, it struck me today that this is the half way point.

It really is amazing to realise that there's still four days to go, what wonderful insights and revelations are to come!

I want to tell you how well the management of my health has been while on this full on training. I've achieved some amazing results in terms of my blood sugar being very stable and taking low doses of insulin. Increasing my intake of avocados to at least two, has given me some great results. I'm amazing myself and other people! Having quite a few conversations with people about the food they eat and interest in what I eat. "Vegetables" I hear them say. Do you eat bread? Dairy? Meat? People find it hard to comprehend that I don't. I understand their view point as I was one of them until I started this journey, which began when I decided not to eat meat. It's hard for me to believe sometimes, especially if I look at all the rows and rows of food that can be found in supermarkets.

Anyway, I'm having a cold soup consisting of avocado and leaves and cucumber and celery etc for breakfast and for lunch a big salad and similar for tea. Obviously I'm rotating leaves and veg, which is giving me lots of variety. I feel fantastic. I'm having 6 hours sleep a night and feeling refreshed and wide awake (apart from when I'm in trance) on the course. I really am very proud of myself!

As a treat I've found a shop where i can buy raw ice cream that's made with cashew nuts and agave nectar! It won't do my blood sugar much good but it's all about feeling good, caring and nurturing yourself and having a sense of balance in life.

In terms of the course, today was a gift from the Gods. To be honest, I feel a little unclear about how to put it into words here, so hopefully by tomorrow, after a good nights sleep, I'll be clearer! The thing about NLP and Hypnosis is that it's all about getting past the conscious mind and connecting with the unconscious, in order to create strategies that will make your life work the way you want it. It's as simple as that!

I'm really looking forward to the end of the course and using what I've learnt with clients by helping them change patterns of behaviour that are limiting them. First client booked today!

Bye for now...


30 October 2008

Day 4

I really am in an NLP bubble, I seem to be losing track of what day it is!

I have to tell you about some of the wonderful people I've met here. There are 90 people and the atmosphere is great. Lots of different nationalities all eager to learn how to make themselves more successful and happy. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

I'm moving around each day and meeting new people, as well as keeping in contact with the people I met at the start. It's great seeing everyone looking more confident about what their learning and seeing the smiling faces. There's a complete contrast when I get on the tube to travel to the hotel near Earls Court. Not a smile in sight, well apart from mine, that is, and the odd smile returned. What a shame that people are so serious, when they would feel so good inside with a smile on their face. We all think and feel better with a smile.

I'm taking my own advice and leading by example. I had a conversation with the cashier at M & S today which was good. We spend too much of our time when we're moving from place to place missing out on the wonderfulness of the people around us. Often this can be because of fear and being taught that someone we don't know is a stranger and that "strange" is something to fear.

What if we re-constructed the word, "stranger", in our minds and gave it a different meaning? Something like, a stranger is a wonderful person we're going to feel curiosity and wonder discovering more about. I wonder how that small shift could change our individual worlds and the planet as a whole. I have a feeling it would make a big difference. I'm going to use that meaning from now on and empower myself to connect with more "strangers", I hope you do too.

To complete a fantastic day of learning. I went with a friend I've met on the course to a shop called, Mysteries in Convent Garden. He bought his first pack of Angel cards and a crystal pendelum. What an experience for him and me. We met at the beginning of the course and had lots of angelic weirdness ("weird" another one of those fear inducing words - that I love) to share as well as guidance and stories. I feel so pleased for him to be opening up to the spirit world and all it can offer him and the people he meets.

So much has come into my life that I am grateful for since the Practitioner Course this time last year. I would never have believed it was possible for my consciousness to be at the level that it is now. I'm filled with joy and wonder at what the future holds for me!

Day 3

Day 3

Three days has gone by so quickly. I've been sitting on the front row for all three days. This is something I never did a few years ago and it's taken me re-programming myself via my thoughts and feelings over the years. I'm now able to comfortably sit there and not feel scared that I'll be picked on. It's refreshing and amazing to be me and to have thoughts like "pick me", "pick me". I'd love the opportunity to be hypnotised by Richard Bandler! Watch this space. Lets see if the Law of Attraction provides!

We looked at language patterns today and the wonderful things people say and what these words say about us as people. Fascinating stuff! Of course, we all do this intuitively, through body language, things we leave out, noises we make, etc. I'm seeing it as fun to unpick what I do naturally, label it with a name and then put it back into my brain.

The trance exercises we did today were about illiciting an optimists strategy (we used mine, which I've been perfecting for years!) and then helped a pessimist change theirs so that they are now more optimistic about their life. We worked in three's and it was great. I saw an optimist literally change and start to believe he could do anything! Amazing feeling for him and me!

I also picked up a wonderful tip that can be used in trance and visualisation to improve a person's confidence. So I'll be using that in future in playshops and individual coaching.

I heard today that the strongest instinct in human beings is to make life familiar! How true that is and if you translate it, it means that we as human beings have a fear of the unknown and this can be an appropriate one or totally out of proportion dependent on the human.

When you actually look at this as a concept - to be scared of the future - it's seems ridiculous to me, as we'd be bored stiff if we knew everything that was going to happen. The fun is creating it to be the way you want as you go along, knowing always that you can cope with everything. Because when you look back at your life, you always have.

Celery, avocados and lots of love - (because I'm being soooo organised and goooood eating raw and healthy from my hotel room in London!) xxx

Getting Closer to the Dream

Day 2

Finally,I'm letting go of the overthinking! Experienced working with someone today using trance/altered states and saw some real changes taking place and came face to face with the realisation that I went with my feelings and let go of the self talk that can often hold me back. I'd experienced results before but not at this level and I know the difference was me and how I approached it. The results were awesome, so feeling very proud and excited about how this movement is going to impact in other areas of my life and also how it's going to empower me to help others.

These techniques are really amazing and life changing!

I also learnt that in terms of manifesting my dreams, associating myself in my visualisations by living the dream and feeling the feelings I associate with it is going to speed up the process. And also the realisation that I was dissociated from some of the pictures I make in my head which in terms of the exercise we did, meant I wasn't experiencing the full impact of the experience. I was an onlooker and from quite a distance which of course gives a totally different experience. I've got to be in it!!

So decision time. I'm going to associate myself to my pictures and make sure there's much more detail in my visions of me being me in my future. The distance has been creating more distance - Law of Attraction again. Focus on distance and you receive more of it!

Warm Wishes,


28 October 2008

Day 1 - Master Practitioner in NLP

Day 1

I always know when I’m in the right place because of the people I meet and the synchronicities that I notice. It’s that Law of Attraction again.

Before I’d even completed the registration process today, at the Master in NLP course, I’d connected with someone I met at the Practitioner course who told me about a person he knew who worked at a local radio station. Wow! The Universe had delivered, so effortlessly again. I told the Universe I wanted a way of getting on local radio to talk about how I help people. Delivered! Watch this space for more information once I’ve taken some action by contacting the person.

So, it’s the end of day 1 and I feel tired. It’s been a busy few days. Organising to be away from home for 9 days and then settling into a new routine has caught up with me I think. On top of that there’s the process of body, mind and soul learning that I’ve experienced today. NLP really is a whole person approach to healing. There’s also the confusion I feel when I’m out of my comfort zone. Experience tells me that this is a fantastic thing though. Any feeling is a signal and keeping perspective, and managing any negative thoughts that could exaggerate it, is key for me.

Is coming out of your comfort zone keeping you from reaching your full potential?

What are the thoughts you are thinking, that keep you there?

Happiness is ours anytime we choose it. Fayxx

27 October 2008

Evening Before The Main Event

So, you're wondering - what's the main event? 9 days training for my Master Practitioner in NLP, that's what.

It's been an amazing year. This time last October, I was doing the 7 day course with Richard Bandler, Michael Neill and Paul McKenna. I know, "life changing" can be an expression that's banded about, but it is important to say that it’s always relative and personal to the life that has changed. It was truly life changing for me, and I therefore anticipate and expect that 9 days of further training into the mechanics and techniques of NLP and Hypnosis is going to jet propel me forward into the life of my dreams. Scary – am I up to it, I ask? And exhilarating, because I know whatever happens, I’ll be okay!

19 October 2008

David Wolfe

Doesn't time fly when you're living your best life! It's been a while since my last blog and lots to let you know about.

I'm going to start by sharing with you what I was doing in London on Friday and Saturday. In a nut shell I was doing the stuff that nurtures me - eating raw, learning, meeting new people and expanding my horizons.

Friday, I was lucky enough to visit two raw food restaurants. Vita Organic by day and Saf by night. I want to you know (those of you that aren't in on the secret of Raw Food), that it really is the future. This food is a mixture of pure bliss and nutrition you can't measure. And it felt so good to give my body that gift in a social setting this weekend. Have a look at the pics of me, my friend Jo and of course, the food!

Part of Saturday was spent nurturng my inner artist at the National Portrait Museum and then I spent the afternoon with David Wolfe, Raw Food Guru! Wow what a trip.

David was truly inspiring to me in lots of ways. The first being that he's worked with Tony Robbins, and it showed. He's obviously used Tony's principles of attaining happiness and success in his own life. His energy was awesome as well as his belief in what he has found to be true through eating raw and going for optimum health.

The highlight was spending some time talking with him about diabetes where I received some amazing insights into my healing.

He believes that diabetes in my case is viral and he asked me if it was in my pituitary gland or pancreas. This question in itself was a revelation to me, I'd never considered diabetes being anything other than a malfunction in the pancreas. But here I was being presented with a choice. After some kinesiology we discovered mine is in the pituitary. Learning this gave me such a rush of energy through my body that it felt that the angels had picked me up and spun me round. True resonance.

He went on to explore with me where this could have originated, and talked about my past issues with sinusitis from being aged 12, and the use of antibiotics to treat it. This brought us to nearly two years ago when, after a period of stress, I had a very bad flare up of the symptoms and became quite ill suffering from recurring headaches and infections. It was my mission to find a cure for this and overcoming diabetes had led me in that moment to David. That's how powerful an intention can be powered by the Law of Attraction.

I was blown away by the insights I gained from my conversation with him. He's recommended I start using a Terminator II zapper, which I'm going to find out more about and I'll keep you posted on that.

So to all you seekers, the answers are out there. This may or may not give me freedom and ultimate health, however it is the next step and I know that the process of taking the steps and learning about myself and the world can only bring me peace, harmony and love.

If you're new to raw food, haven't heard of David Wolfe or have more insights please share! The more we pass on what we've learnt the more we'll ensure positive change within ourselves and the world.

Love and light, Fayx