28 October 2008

Day 1 - Master Practitioner in NLP

Day 1

I always know when I’m in the right place because of the people I meet and the synchronicities that I notice. It’s that Law of Attraction again.

Before I’d even completed the registration process today, at the Master in NLP course, I’d connected with someone I met at the Practitioner course who told me about a person he knew who worked at a local radio station. Wow! The Universe had delivered, so effortlessly again. I told the Universe I wanted a way of getting on local radio to talk about how I help people. Delivered! Watch this space for more information once I’ve taken some action by contacting the person.

So, it’s the end of day 1 and I feel tired. It’s been a busy few days. Organising to be away from home for 9 days and then settling into a new routine has caught up with me I think. On top of that there’s the process of body, mind and soul learning that I’ve experienced today. NLP really is a whole person approach to healing. There’s also the confusion I feel when I’m out of my comfort zone. Experience tells me that this is a fantastic thing though. Any feeling is a signal and keeping perspective, and managing any negative thoughts that could exaggerate it, is key for me.

Is coming out of your comfort zone keeping you from reaching your full potential?

What are the thoughts you are thinking, that keep you there?

Happiness is ours anytime we choose it. Fayxx

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