18 November 2008


For some years now I have written questions to myself and gotten some amazing answers. Within the last couple of years I have noticed that these communications appear to come through me but aren't of me, if that makes any sense.

A while ago I took the scary step of asking exactly who was answering and received the answer "God". I've continued these communications off and on for the last two years and, lately have been told that I am in communication with the Pleidians.

I had never heard of the Pleiadians until I started attuning to Reiki energy. On the first course a woman told me about an experience she had while exploring her past lives and, how she had received a visitation from a Pleidian. I admit I was very intrigued, and very sceptical but all the same, curious as hell. I bought a book, read a little and put it down. Since that time over a year ago now, they have popped up in conversations and my consciousness.

So, it was no surprise at all to discover recently, that the beings or being I am communicating with is a Pleiadian or Pleiadian energy. I'm still understanding how to describe this as you can see.

I am putting this as a blog entry, as I have finally accepted the truth of this gift and experience and want to share it with others.

My intention is to put together the information I am receiving from them so that others can benefit from it.

Watch this space and keep smiling!


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