23 November 2008

PH Miracle

"There's nothing complicated about eating to stabilise your blood sugar. Eat plenty of less acidic food, and skip the very acidic foods. You need to eat lots of green vegetables, (good) water, and (good) fats. You need to NOT eat sugars and starches. You need to eat frequently, and you need to STOP eating when you are satisfied."

Dr Young, taken from The PH Miracle for Diabetes.

I'm back on the PH Miracle. I've been on and off the plan a few times in the last two years and followed the guidance to different degrees. I decided last night the time had come to go back on the plan and give my digestion a break. So, that means soups and juices for the time being. I'm going to notice the impact on my digestion and judge the length of my juice feast based on that. I don't want to scare myself by putting a number of days on it. I previously did the juice feast for 21 days and I'm noticing I need to manage my thoughts around doing that again. So softly, softly to start with.

One of the programmes in my mind, that has been running since before I can remember, says I have to finish everything on my plate, and I mustn't waste anything. It's not very helpful when you're trying to eat for energy and vitality. I can remember being praised as a child for being able to eat anything, and being the dustbin of the family. If only we'd known. With determination and discipline I'm building the muscle of the new belief that there is always plenty of food, it's not scarce, and that I choose to eat for health!

I've had a good day so far. Drinking lots more water, had two lots of soup and vegetable juice too. I don't feel hungry. I'm noticing the effect of taking insulin and what level my blood sugar is, really does impact on my emotions and I've been in a vicious cycle where one thing feeds the other! Letting go of the need to eat to feed my emotions has felt hard to conquer. I feel I'm nearly there though.

The truth is we're taught from the moment were born to associate food with comfort. Whenever a baby cries one of the things we do is give them milk until they stop. I know that lots of people, myself included, find it a challenge to notice when hunger is genuine and also when to stop eating.

I want my life to be my responsibility - I don't want to be ruled by my emotions, getting lost in them as I have done. I want to use the messages I receive from my emotions to change my thinking and manifest what I want!


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