17 November 2008

The Next Step

It's 12.55 am, late or early dependent on your perspective.

Spent the weekend at The Next Step with Joseph McClendon in London. A seminar on "The Science of thought, emotion, attraction, focus and action!

Wow, I feel so lucky. I only discovered I was going last Tuesday and I feel so "grateful" and "great full" to have manifested the opportunity and to have experienced the energy we all shared. The ticket was a gift from a brilliant coach, Rich Waterman.

I met some amazing people and learnt more and more about how to manifest! Like all of us I've been manifesting all my life. It's only in the last couple of years that I've realised there's a science and an art to it. Since that realisation I've been honing the skill. This weekend has been a weekend of mastery. So, watch this space to hear what shows up in my life.

The next Cosmic Ordering course starts on Wednesday. If you're ready to step up to the challenge of manifesting what you want rather than remaining stuck with what you have, then you are very welcome to come along.

Living the life you want, takes high self-esteem, courage and confidence. Whatever your conditioning and the beliefs of your peer group, you can decide what to believe, and today could be the day to think I deserve more, I'm worth more and I'm going to take responsibility for making it happen.

At the end of the day I have learnt lots from the wonderful mentors I've heard, read and seen but it's me that has to decide to make it happen or not, through my thoughts, emotions and actions. The responsibility lies with me, and you, to manifest what we really want.

We can do it!!

Smiles and smiles, love Fayx

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